No**. "Not now" might not mean "never," but a lot of things will have to change—and they probably won't.**

"While the NFT party is going, one can hardly begrudge people who turn up as buyers and sellers, so long as they know what’s actually being exchanged and realize that they might be the last ones holding the tulip—or the token for a now-destroyed Banksy print." - Jonathan Zittrain, The Atlantic

NFTs aren't necessarily just a fad, but buying and selling them at this exact second is hard if you're non-technical(1); fraught with environmental(2), technical(3), and security(4) issues; and requires some soul-searching about your long-term intent (5).

  1. Example: how-to guide for buying NFTs on a more environmentally-friendly marketplace. This involves 3x platforms, connecting your bank account + social security # + photo ID, managing 2x virtual "wallets"
  2. There's a lot of argument about this, but the short story is any NFTs based on Ethereum are very much not green, will continue to be really bad for at least another year (or longer), and even the more eco-friendly processes are still deeply problematic. This piece was a big catalyst for this discussion and contains many links/references to contrasting and supporting arguments.
  3. This twitter thread is one of many examples pointing out the flaws in current marketplaces (notably, not with NFTs themselves).
  4. Nifty gateway was recently hacked, exposing the flaws in many of the current super-hyped marketplaces—especially those that consolidate wallets + payment + marketplaces. This deeper exploit "hack" of the $69m Beeple work shows some of the more fundamental flaws of the current state of NFTs.
  5. This excellent article by MCN drives the point home: at this current moment, NFTs are really just about money—about connecting the art market more deeply to the financial market, in spite of the real harm and degradation of meaning that that has caused over the years.

Ready to dive in further? Start with the Overview.

Or, keep digging into The Big Issues